The Black River Astronomical Society was founded in 1949 to serve north central Ohio.
Regular meetings are the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm, usually at the Lorain County Metroparks Carlisle Visitor Center. Meetings include coverage of current observing opportunities, a constellation of the month, and a program of astronomical interest. We also like to help new astronomers with equipment use and observing instruction and hints. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Annual Events and Special Events are listed as links to more specific information on the Calendar tab.
We also host regular night time observing sessions at the John D. Nielsen Observatory at the southern entrance of the Carlisle Reservation, just south of the Equestrian Center. We usually hold two observing sessions monthly in the warmer months and one observing session in colder, cloudy months. We also host solar observing sessions with special Hydrogen-alpha filters in the warmer months, which circulates among the different Lorain County Metroparks.
Click on the Calendar and Blog tabs at the top of this page to check for locations, dates, times, and cancellations for all our public and club events. Locations for our monthly meeting and our observing site are on the Maps tab.
Members enjoy a number of benefits, such as loans of club equipment, aurora and special event alerts, and non-public observing sessions. Click here to download a .pdf membership form. Membership forms may be brought to monthly meetings or observing events and given to a club board member, or you can mail the completed form to the address on the form.